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“Neon Highland Cow” Family Painting Workshop

  • The Walled Garden HP143AP West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire United Kingdom (map)

Join Toni at 9:30am on Friday the 30th of May at The Walled Garden, for our “Neon Highland Cow” Family Painting Workshop.

Treat yourself some nibbles from the cafe before the start of the workshop. Then head down to the lambing shed (at the bottom of the carpark – just past the disabled parking spaces) find a seat and relax while Toni takes you step by step through how to create your very own version of “Neon Highland Cow”  on a 10″ x 12″ stretched canvas in acrylic paints. 

Price is per canvas, so you’re invited to help your child create their masterpiece or paint your own alongside them.

Everything is provided, including aprons, just bring yourself and to be on the safe side wear some old clothes that you don’t mind if you get a splash of paint on.

29 May

“Neon Elephants” Family Painting Workshop

30 May

Street Food Evening May